Run time decorate ( + JS support)

Apply decoration in run time


Apply run time decoration is strong advantage of SugoiJS which gives us the flexibility to apply decorators in run-time, either if it because of conditions or lazy-loading.

Applying decorators in run-time provides us the ability to use decorators by pure JS files as well.


Decorate - Class decorator

For applying decorator method on a call we are able to call the sugoiJS decorate method

decorateProperty(methodToApply, target)


// Using ES6
import {Catch, decorate} from '@sugoi/core';
// Using nodeJS
const {Catch, decorate} = require('@sugoi/core');

class Validator(){
    static validate(item){
            throw new Error('Invalid')

Decorate - Property decorator

For applying decorator method on class property we are able to call the sugoiJS decorateProperty method

decorateProperty(methodToApply, target, property)


// Using ES6
import {Catch, decorateProperty} from '@sugoi/core';
// Using nodeJS
const {Catch, decorateProperty} = require('@sugoi/core');

class Validator(){
    static validate(item){
            throw new Error('Invalid')
decorateProperty(Catch(()=>false), Validator, 'validate');

Last updated