Validation and Required fields

Model validation done right

Validation in lifecycle

if we will take a look again on the update\save lifecycle we will be able to see validation is the 2nd step which occurs.

Handling model validation can be done in 2 ways:

1. validate() function (IValidate interface)

If validate function is declared for the model it will get called, the response should be Promise of true or any other value, while true approve the model is valid.

Interface: validate():Promise<true|any>

2. @Required() decorator

If property is decorate with @Required() it will be checked during the validation process.

By default @Required check the value of the property isn't null or empty string.


For allowing empty strings pass the value true as argument, this will set the allowEmptyString argument. For disallow empty string pass false(default).

For example

public body:string;

@Required(condition: ComparableValueType)

For defining the property schema you able to pass ComparableValueType as property.

For example:

public post;

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