
With SugoiJS Authorization check is that simple.

The @Authorized decorator

 *  requiredRole: TStringOrNumber|TStringOrNumber[] - The required role(s)
 *  permissions: TStringOrNumber|TStringOrNumber[]  - The required premission(s)
 *  failedCode: number                              - The response code in case the policy will fail
Authorized(requiredRole: TStringOrNumber|TStringOrNumber[] = null, permissions: TStringOrNumber|TStringOrNumber[] = null, failedCode: number = 401)

The Authorized decorator use for validate the user is Authorized and in the right role and permissions(optional).

In case null will pass the value won't check.

The Authorized policy will use the AuthProvider which pass while the server init: init(boostrapModule: any, rootPath?: string, moduleMetaKey?: string, authProvider?: AuthProvider)

The AuthProvider will init for each request, the AuthProvider holding the request headers & cookies.



export class Authorization extends AuthProvider<User> {

     * Verify if user is authorized
     * Implemented dummy check for x-sug-demo header to be equal to "Wyn1RRR9PQJPaqYM"
     * @returns {Promise<boolean>}
    isAuthenticated(): Promise<boolean> {
        return Promise.resolve(this.headers["x-sug-demo"] === "Wyn1RRR9PQJPaqYM");

    getUser(req?: e.Request, res?: e.Response, next?: e.NextFunction): Promise<any> {
        return this.details 
            ?   Promise.resolve(this.details)
            : UserService.getUser(UserService.getIdFromCookie(this.cookie))
                            this.details = user;
                            return user;

    isInRole(...roles: Array<string | number>): Promise<boolean> {
        return this.getUser().then(user=>roles.includes(user.role));


    * Check if on of user has some of the permissions.
    isAllowedTo(...permissions: Array<string | number>): Promise<boolean> {
        return this.getUser().then(user=>permissions.some(permission=>user.permissions.includes(permission)));

    isResourceOwner(resourceId: any): Promise<boolean> {
        return this.getUser().then(user=>Resources.checkIfOwner(resourceId,;



init(boostrapModule,"/",null, Authorization)


export class DashboardController {
    constructor() {

    @Authorized(null,"User.READ_BY_ID") // This case promise the user have both "User.READ" AND "User.READ_BY_ID" permissions
    getUser(@RequestParam("id") id:number, @RequestBody() body:{role:{text:string}}) {
        return User.findOne({id,role:body.role.text})


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