
The SugoiJS cli pre-defined commands


For initiating a new project use the init command.

$ sgi init

After you'll run this command you will need to answer few questions which will help you to set the application you need


SugoiJS provides easy generation tool by the g or generate argument

$ sgi g <type> <name>

Available types

  • module (m) - Generate a module with one service and one controller which contains the module name

    • After generating new module you will have to inject it to bootstrap module.

  • controller (c) - Generate a controller under 'controllers' directory.

    • After generating new controller you will have to inject it to the related module.

  • service (s) - Generate a service under 'services' directory.

    • After generating new service you will have to inject it to the related module.

  • model - Generate a model class.

  • mongo-model - Generate a mongo model class.

Commands example

$ sgi g m myModule
// Will create a module under the current path 
// with controller and a service
$ sgi g model myModel
// Will create a model under the current path 
$ sgi g mongo-model myMongoModel
// Will create a mongo-model under the current path 
$ sgi g c newController
// Will create a controller under the current path 
// will create controllers directory 
// if no such directory found under the path
$ sgi g s newService
// Will create a service under the current path 
// will create service directory 
// if no such directory found under the path

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