Primary key

Define what is the right property to relay on for "_ById" queries

For query and upsert data @sugoi use primary key of the instance\query object.

This primary key is property which decorated with @Primary()

Using the Primary key will done by:

  1. (Utility function) getPrimaryKey(classToUse)

    Return the primary key name from given class, if not found null will return.

  2. (static method) castIdToQuery(id:string,classToUse = this)

    Will return an object with property name which decorate with Primary as key and the id as value

    classToUse - class to get the primary key from (default is this)

  3. (static method) getIdFromQuery(query: any,classToUse = this, deleteProperty:boolean = true)

    If query contain the primary key the function will return the query primary key value.

    classToUse - class to get the primary key from (default is this)

    deleteProperty - delete primary key property from the query (default is true)

  4. (instance method) getIdQuery():{[prop:string]:string}

    Return key value object of primary key and its value of the current instance

    if no primary key set the function will return null;

Full example:

export class Post extends ModelAbstract{
    public postId:string = "post-12";

    public static getPostById(id:string): Promise<Post>{
        return this.find(this.castIdToQuery(id));

    public getCurrentPost(): Promise<Post>{
        const query = getIdQuery(); // query = {postId:"post-12"}
        return Post.find(query);

    public getPrimaryKeyName(): string{
        return getPrimaryKey(this);// result is "postId"


All of the @sugoi/orm predefined interface methods which mentioned before use the primary key value.

Last updated